Fluke-Solve PLUS 100g
100g pack - suitable for treating 25,000L (5,500 gallons)
Fluke-Solve Plus® has been specially developed to target resistant flukes in fish.
Contains active ingredients praziquantel, nitroscanate and emamectin benzoate for rapid dissolving and dispersion
Suitable for both freshwater systems
Safe with biofilters and plants
For use in ponds containing koi carp exclusively. Can be harmful to Sturgeon and Goldfish.
Extensive research has resulted in the creation of Fluke-Solve Plus®, a specially developed product for the treatment of the resistant flukes which are now causing serious problems in koi. Fluke-Solve Plus® uses a combination of the proven technology of Fluke-Solve® (praziquantel) with new active ingredients (nitroscanate and emamectin benzoate). The special formulation of praziquantel, which easily and rapidly dissolves in ponds and tanks, combined with nitroscanate and emamectin benzoate, means you can see it dispersing through the water as soon as you add it to your pond or tank. It is suitable for both freshwater and marine systems, including in the presence of salt when added as a therapeutic. Fish can be fed normally during treatment. Fluke-Solve Plus® is safe with biofilters and plants.
How to use/dosage
Use at a rate of 4g powder per 1,000 litres (220 gallons) of pond or tank water. Simply take a clean container of the pond or tank water and add the required dosage of Fluke-Solve Plus® to it, then stir. Immediately add this stock solution to the pond or tank, and then rinse out the container with the pond or tank water and add that as well. If necessary, a separate tank can be used to treat the fish for a treatment period of at least 48 hours. Turn the UV off for 7 days post treatment. Take care to turn off skimmers while it is in use since they will remove the praziquantel from the water, as will modern filtration systems which use carbon derivatives or other adsorbent materials and some drum filter technologies. In the case of some rare resistant egg-laying flukes repeat the initial dose after 3 weeks to ensure the active ingredients are in the water long enough to kill any hatching fluke larvae and break the cycle of infection.
Further InformationKeep out of the reach of children
• This Veterinary Medicine is marketed in accordance with the Small Animal Exemption Scheme
• Store in the original sachet in a cool dry place
• After the sachet has been opened, reseal, and the remaining contents will keep until the expiry date on the label
• Do not use at the same time as any other treatment
• For use in fish in closed water systems
• For use in ponds containing koi carp exclusively.
• Do not use in animals or fish other than those indicated. Serious reactions, including deaths, have been reported in dogs (especially Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and related breeds), tortoises and turtles treated with products containing related active substances.

Cloverleaf Blanket Answer
from £19.99
Cloverleaf Blanket Answer is a Readers Choice Award Winning Product!
Cloverleaf Blanket Answer is a unique blend of minerals and enzymes . The special formula works where many bacteria cultures fail. It is 100% safe for all pond fish, plants, and biological filtration systems. UV units or protein skimmers need not be switched off. Unlike other products on the market Now newly available in 800g, 2kg and 4kg tubs.
Cloverleaf Blanket Answer is simply added to the pond by pouring the mixed powder and pond water from a designated watering can evenly over the surface. The pond will initially take on a milky appearance, but this will clear after about 5 days. The ingredients will form a powdery layer on the liner face.
Important: As with most water additives, the pond should have a good level of oxygen saturation.
For optimum results use in water temperature of more than 10 degrees centigrade.
During and after applying, wash hands, and store the product in a dry place away from the reach of children.
The introduction to the pond of any chemicals or treatments should be at least 10 days from the application of Blanket Answer.
Blanket Answer will start to work immediately, and will contribute to the filter mediums staying cleaner.
Remember, nothing is to be gained by applying a higher than recommended dose.
800 gram bottle will treat ponds up to 10,000 litres. Use 10 grams per 125 litres (28 gal) - the enclosed scoop can be used. 1 scoop = approx 400 litres (90 gal). Can be increased as required with no adverse effect. For health & safety advice see bottom of page.
Special Note: Most users of Blanket Answer have found that after one dose no more has been required. But in the unlikely event, more can be added later if needed.

Fluke-Solve 100g
Unlike Fluke-Solve Plus, standard Fluke-Solve can be used in a wide range of fish including Koi Carp, Sturgeon and Goldfish.
100g pack - Suitable for treating 25,000L (5,500 gallons)
Fluke-Solve is:
Easy to use – it dissolves readily without having to use boiling water or solvent
Safe for the fish and for other creatures in the pond or aquarium
Science based data to confirm the efficacy of the medication.
Contains 50% praziquantel
Fluke-Solve® contains 50% praziquantel, and its unique rapidly dissolving formulation means you can see it dispersing through the water as soon as you add it to your pond or tank. It successfully treats skin and gill flukes (Monogenean species), eye flukes (Diplostomum species) and intestinal tapeworms, even by immersion, and can be used in a wide range of fish including Koi Carp and Goldfish.
It is suitable for both freshwater and marine systems, including in the presence of salt when added as a therapeutic, and is even effective from 3°C. Fluke-Solve® is safe with biofilters and plants, as well as shrimp, snails and frogs, and can even be used to treat parasites on shrimp.
Flukes belong to the group of parasites known as Monogean trematodes. The most common kind affecting pet fish are the Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus species. Cestodes or tapeworms are internal parasites which affect a wide variety of fish species including Koi Carp, as well as aquarium fish such as discus.
How to use/dosage
Use at a rate of 4g powder per 1,000 litres (220 gallons) of pond or tank water. Simply take a clean container of the pond or tank water and add the required dosage of Fluke-Solve® to it, then stir. Immediately add this stock solution to the pond or tank, and then rinse out the container with the pond or tank water and add that as well. If necessary, a separate tank can be used to treat the fish for a treatment period of at least 24 hours.
Take care to turn off skimmers while it is in use since they will remove the praziquantel from the water, as will modern filtration systems which use carbon derivatives, or some drum filter technologies.
The praziquantel in Fluke-Solve® will persist in a pond or tank for at least 3 weeks, so in the case of some egg-laying flukes repeat the initial dose after 3 weeks to ensure the active ingredient is in the water long enough to kill any hatching fluke larvae and break the cycle of infection.

Aqua-Sed is based on the tried and tested active ingredient 2-phenoxyethanol, and it comes in a 250ml bottle with an easy-to-use measuring pump. It's a liquid with a very wide safety margin and has been used for anaesthetising fish for many years (reports go back to 1943). Please note that any anaesthetic a carries a risk, sometimes because the fish may have an unknown/undiagnosed problem which may cause an issue. For this reason we do not suggest the routine use of anaesthesia of koi carp for a general check-up.
How to use/dosage
The dose is dependent on water volume, not on fish size. Do not put Aqua-Sed™ into the main pond or tank, it is for use in small volumes once fish are captured. Using the pump, measure the required amount into water (1 pump/litre) into a suitably sized anaesthetic container. Gently mix the slightly oily liquid into the water. Transfer the fish into this solution and observe carefully. Some initial excitement is normal in some species. The fish itself pumps the drug across its gills, administering the dose until effective. Observe the fish throughout and remove the fish when it is suitably anaesthetised for the procedure. As a general guide, gill cover movements should be slowed but not completely stopped. Following the procedure return the fish to untreated water for recovery.
Q. What temperature should the water be when using Aqua-Sed?A. Aqua-Sed will work in water of all temperatures and there is no minimum temperature it can be used at. At lower temperatures it will take longer to take effect, so please be aware of this.
Q. How should I store Aqua-Sed?A. Aqua-Sed should be stored at room temperature to prevent the liquid from becoming too thick to mix with the water.
Q. Can I use Aqua-Sed to sedate amphibians?A. Yes, you can use Aqua-Sed to sedate amphibians at the same dosage as stated for fish, However great care should be taken and under veterinary supervision as the process will take effect much quicker due to the product being absorbed through the skin.

Evolution Aqua Dechlorinator
from £99.95
Create a safer environment for your fish
The Evolution Aqua Detox Dechlorinator is a quick and simple method of filtering out harmful chlorine and other impurities from tap water. It is ideal for first fill, water changes and top-ups, for both ponds and aquariums. There’s no need to wait for chlorine to “gas-off” or to use liquid treatments.
Simply fill up straight from the hosepipe via the Evolution Aqua Detox Dechlorinator. This unit simply connects to garden hose or rigid pipe work.
Connectors are included.
Hi-grade activated carbon removes chlorine, chloramine, bromine, malachite green, dyes, colours, humic acids, organics, proteins, antibiotics, hormones and ozone.
2 Sizes Available
Recommended flow rate: 4 litres per minute.
The 30 inch high-grade activated carbon filter will treat up to*:550,000 Litres / 122,083 U.K. Gallons / 146,615 U.S. Gallons
The 12 inch high-grade activated carbon filter will treat up to*:225,000 Litres / 49,493 U.K. Gallons / 59,439 U.S. Gallons
*Maximum treatable water is based on incoming 0.5ppm chlorine.